Setting Up Events in Google Analytics as Goals

Events in Google Analytics are the interaction or actions of website visitors and which can be tracked independently. Some of the major actions that can be tracked through Events include a button click, a download, playing a video, ad clicks etc. Event tracking becomes handy when we need to track some precise user actions on the website and analyse based on that. Event tracking is implemented by integrating a small piece of script on the website and Google Analytics has syntax for that code and we just need to customize it.

In Google Analytics, Goals are an amazing feature which helps you to track or measure your online marketing activities. Goals help you to identify whether your online marketing campaigns have hit their desired targets or not. It helps you to track the overall conversion of your internet marketing campaigns and is an integral part of any digital marketing activity. Setting up a Goal in Google Analytics does not require customization of codes; rather you can do it from the Analytics dashboard without any difficulty.

In certain cases, the Events that you have created also need to be tracked as a Goal based on the objective of your Event. Here we need to set up the Events as Goals in Google Analytics, which can be achieved easily through some simple steps. The steps for setting up Events in Google Analytics as Goals are given below. (Remember that you have already created an event with parameters “category”, “action”, “label” and “value”.

1) Login to Your Google Analytics account and open the profile you want to setup the event tracking on.

2) On the top menus of the Analytics dashboard of the selected profile, click on the menu named “Admin”.

3) In the Admin page, you can see a link named “Goals” under the column named “View”.

4) In the Goals’ page click on the red button named “+ New Goal”.

5) Select a Template option and click the button named “Continue”.

5) In the next section, provide a suitable name for the Goal.

6) Under the section named “Type”, select the option named “Event” and click “Continue”.

7) In the next section, enter the category, action, label and value exactly as you used while creating your event.

9) Click “Save” goal and you have setup your Event as a Goal in Google Analytics.

The above given steps are sufficient for your to set up Events as Goals and the stats provided by this Goal can help you in identifying various measurable factors that can define the success of your online marketing campaign.

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